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September 16, 2010 / Admin


The Inn organises four large annual university presentations in October, the largest of which is in London in Inner Temple Hall. This is an excellent opportunity to hear from a panel of speakers about life at the Bar as well as to interact informally with barristers and judges in the receptions that follow.

The 2010 presentations will take place in the following locations and is open to all students.

September 16, 2010 / Admin

Pegasus Trust

As the world becomes small, so the need becomes greater for lawyers to become more internationally minded.

Understanding the practice of law in a wide range of other countries and the forging of links between the lawyers of the future around the world is becoming more and more important. Pegasus scholarships were established to address this need.

September 1, 2010 / Admin


The Inner Temple has a dedicated and friendly Education & Training Department which administers all educational activities for school students, undergraduates, student barristers, pupils and practising barristers. These range from how to become a barrister, careers advice, allocation of Scholarships, Qualifying Sessions, mentoring schemes, advocacy training and Continued Professional Development.

We also encourage and maintain links with undergraduates at universities around the country and work closely with our Inner Temple Student Association as well as our Mooting, Debating and Drama Societies, all of which are extremely active.